404Sight A runner with a twist

Project Description

404Sight is a 3D runner with elements inspired by Mirror’s Edge and Assassin’s Creed where the player must run, react, and use their ping ability to reveal tiles that will accelerate or throttle their progress to the end.

The player attempts to traverse levels as quickly as possible without getting throttled by the looming ISP conglomerate, which actively throws slow tiles in their way.

My Role

Lead Producer




May 2015


Unreal 4

Dev Time

1.5 years

Team size


404sight is my thesis project for graduate school. It is being created over a year and a half with the work of 12 students comprised of engineers, artists, and producers. I have the opportunity to work as lead producer. Most of my time is spent measuring development time, overseeing team communication, scheduling, making design decisions, and general project oversight. I also contributed in many of the visual effects, by tuning mechanics, building worlds, and managing bugs.

Our original submission video to the IGF.

A combination of shader, ground, boss projectiles, effects, and level geometry.

IGF Trailer. I created the destruction in blueprint and called it through matinee events to tie it in.

A combination of shader, ground, boss projectiles, effects, and level geometry.

IGF Trailer. I created the destruction in blueprint and called it through matinee events to tie it in.

A combination of shader, ground, boss projectiles, effects, and level geometry.

IGF Trailer. I created the destruction in blueprint and called it through matinee events to tie it in.

IGF Trailer. I created the destruction in blueprint and called it through matinee events to tie it in.

IGF Trailer. I created the destruction in blueprint and called it through matinee events to tie it in.